
Lady finds New Moon Script, returns it and recieves invite for premiere

A Salon Owner found the New Moon Script in  a trash bin outside the Chase Park Plaza Hotel. INstead of keeping them and reading the script, or selling them, or leaking out what was on the script online-she did the right thing and contacted Summit

“Casey Ray found two scripts, one for the vampire sequel “New Moon” and one for a different movie titled “Memoirs.” She decided to return them to the studio making the films. In return, she was invited to attend the movies’ premieres, her lawyer said.”

“Ray recently was waiting for her fiance to finish work when she spotted two scripts in a trash container. She was outside a hotel where actors were staying during a St. Louis shoot for the upcoming George Clooney movie, “Up in the Air.”

And who left the script? It was Anna Kendrick who (might of) left the scripts there and then they ended up in the trash but a spokes woman for Anna said,

The Clooney movie includes actress Anna Kendrick, who is also in the “Twilight” vampire movie. A spokeswoman for Kendrick, Lisa Perkins, said the actress wouldn’t have left scripts lying around.

After Casey did the right thing and turned it in, she was invited to the New Moon Movie Premiere! How lucky is that? Finding the New Moon script and then being invited to the New Moon premiere? I wish i were that least bit lucky!

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